Abubakar Aliyu, minister of state for works and housing, says President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration has done a lot in infrastructural development.
The minister said this in Damaturu, Yobe state, over the weekend when he was hosted by the state government to honour him alongside Senate President Ahmad Lawan.
“The direct impact of President Buhari administration’s policies and programmes have made great improvement in the infrastructure delivery in terms of provisions of roads, railways, power supply all of which are evident,” the minister said.
“President Buhari has done so much to correct national direction and place it on the path of for a better future.”
“In Yobe, we have specifically benefited from construction and completion of Hadejia-Nauru road, ongoing construction of Nguru- Gashua-Bayamari Road, Ngamdu-Goniri, connection of Damaturu to the 33KVA transmission line among others,” he said.
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